Unveiling of Kalief ave in the Bronx/The Kalief Browder story

May 15th 2010 – Kalief Browder and friend were coming home from a party as police pulled up on them on 186th st. in the Bronx. Both the friend and Kalief Browder were arrested but the friend was released and  Browder was detained and falsely accused of robbery, grand larceny and assault thus landing him in Rikers Island correctional facility for 3 years .. on a crime he didn’t commit. Although his case isn’t the first like that and unfortunately won’t be the last. His story is interesting. He was 16 at the time of his arrest and didn’t come home until he was 19.
For 17 hours both Browder and his friend  were interrogated by the prosecutor and officers. Browder maintained his innocence but was lead into an court room to be told that he was being charged with robbery, grand larceny and assault. The friend was released and told to stay out of trouble while the case circulates in the system meanwhile Kalief Browder’s bail will be set at $3,000.00 but the family couldn’t afford to pay at that time. The arresting officers were from 48th precinct in the Bronx.

The Bronx judicial system is notoriously known for being chronically overwhelming when it comes to handling cases, it is referred to as “crippled” and “one of the worst in the country” according to Times. The reason is due to budgeting and understaffing of Judges. In 2010 Browers case was 1 of 5,695 the the Bronx District attorneys  office prosecuted according to The New Yorker. Bronx defense Attorneys prolong cases to keep a good “winning” average, Prosecutors (District attorneys) never prepared and judges who perpetually allow adjournments.

List of adjournments that Khalief Browder 

June 23, 2011: People not ready, request 1 week.

August 24, 2011: People not ready, request 1 day.

November 4, 2011: People not ready, prosecutor on trial, request 2 weeks.

December 2, 2011: Prosecutor on trial, request January 3rd.

June 29, 2012: People not ready, request one week.

September 28, 2012: People not ready, request two weeks.

November 2, 2012: People not ready, request one week.

December 14, 2012: People not ready, request one week

Each one of those dates are adjournments that sent him back to Rikers island prolonging his stay.

During his tenure at the Rikers island corrections Khalief Browder under went a horrific stay there that lead him into continuous fights with other inmates that ran the house. Gave issues on using the phone seating while watching TV in the “day room” (part of the holding where inmates usually watch TV). Even worse his encounters with the Correction officers that worked there even became more so part of the problem by doing physical harm to Khalief and other inmates as well. Some would receive broken noses and other injuries and was given a choice to either go to the infirmary or go back to respected area and “hold that down”.

This treatment continued for days and months. Browder spent 700-800 days in solitary confinement.

Khalief Browder has made several suicide attempts on his own life due to stress levels. He was finally released and attended BCC and had a 3.5 gpa. However, those days in solitary confinement took it’s toll just 2 years after he came home the harsh memories of his illegal, unfortunate and fucked up incarceration. 12:15 one afternoon, pulled out his air conditioner and pushed himself in the hole in the wall .. feet first.. with the cord to the air conditioner wrapped around his neck.

This story is bigger than just that. It’s exposes so much bullshit within our society. Mayor Deblagio and President Obama have put motions in to incarceration reform. Closing down Rikers island and re-openeing it and naming it after Khalief Browder himself. Rapper and business mogul Jay-Z visited the young man and his mom before his death and took pictures with him and mom at a press conference pushing for the closing of riders island and incarceration reform. Kalief Browders mom dies at the age of 63 due to a heart attack but her lawyer says ..it was from a broken heart.. I believe it..

Yesterday was the unveiling of Khalief Browder’s ave in the Bronx.


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